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313 Martin Luther King Drive

Grand Coteau, Louisiana 70541


     The program offers an intensive, two-week experience held at St. Charles College in Grand Coteau, Louisiana, a serene location with acres of beautiful land perfect for contemplation and reflection. This setting creates an ideal environment for individuals seeking to deepen their spiritual lives and develop skills to guide others in their faith journeys, combining structured learning with ample opportunities for personal reflection.

Each day begins with an optional Catholic Mass at 8:30 AM, setting a spiritual tone for the day ahead. Following a light continental breakfast, students gather for a 30-minute session of praise and prayer. Led by a volunteer musician, this time includes worship songs, scripture readings, and moments for students to share personal needs or insights. The atmosphere is open and receptive, creating a communal start to the day centered on connecting with God and each other.

     The core of the morning involves lectures that cover the essentials of spiritual direction. These sessions are interactive, featuring Q&A periods, role-playing exercises, and practical demonstrations. Students practice in small groups, allowing them to apply what they’ve learned in real-time. This format aims to build confidence and competence in providing spiritual guidance, with an emphasis on listening and responding with discernment.

A significant part of the program is the daily 3-hour silent prayer session each afternoon. This extended period of quiet contemplation is a key feature of the school’s Contemplative-Evocative Approach to spiritual direction. It gives students the opportunity to deepen their relationship with God and serves as a model for the prayerful life they will lead as future spiritual directors. Participants reflect on scripture and listen for God’s voice, using this quiet time to practice attentive and intentional prayer.

     Evening sessions focus on specialized topics such as mystical prayer, spiritual discernment, the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and healing ministries. These lectures are often conducted by guest speakers with expertise in these areas, providing students with a broad understanding of spiritual life. The evening presentations are also open to the public when space permits, creating an opportunity for a wider audience to benefit from the teachings.

     The program includes a lighter schedule on the middle weekend, with about 7 hours of activities each day, while the weekdays consist of intensive 12-hour sessions. Despite the demanding pace, students of all ages, from 26 to 76, participate fully and often report a deep sense of fulfillment. By the end of the two-week course, participants leave with a strong sense of accomplishment, feeling both spiritually enriched and grateful for the transformative experience.

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