This is a six week intensive program spread over three modules that gives an individual the tools, spiritual wisdom and practical training in how to become a spiritual director. We hope to be able to offer modules in January and July each year.
Sunday, July 6 - Friday, July 18, 2025
On Prayer
Students experience praying with scripture and are shown how to teach their directees to pray. Developing a plan of life and how to review their prayer will also be addressed, using the Ignatian Principle & Foundation and the Examen, showing the way a directee can maintain reality in prayer.
Monday, July 5 – Saturday, July 17, 2026
On Healing
Spiritual Direction will be seen as a healing process in itself, as the relationship between the director and directee unfolds under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The differences between psychology, counseling, and spiritual direction will be reviewed as well as how to recognize possible mental illness and when to refer to professionals.
Sunday, July 9 - Saturday, July 22, 2027
On Growth
We provide the students with teaching on discovering our root sin, detachment and its importance for the spiritual life, and teaching on practicing the presence of God. Getting supervision as a practicing Director, the ethics of spiritual direction and the importance of maintaining one’s own relationship to a spiritual director is stressed.
Session #1: On Prayer
Sunday July 6 - Friday July 18
Session #1 Details
Sunday, July 6, before 4 p.m.
After lunch on Friday, July 18 (around 1:30)
Each day starts around 8:30 a.m. and ends around 8/9 p.m.
Total Cost: $1,945
(This total is for each session and is paid annually. This includes room and meals.)
Commuter Cost: $1,325
(LIMITED SPACE IS AVAILABLE. Commuters join us 8 am – 9 pm)
Deposit $300
(non-refundable, non-transferable)
Scholarships are available upon request. We recommend that you first ask your Church parish to financially support you in your calling to become a spiritual director.
Leaders For First Session
About Prayer
Students experience praying with scripture and are shown how to teach their directees to pray. Developing a plan of life and how to review their prayer will also be addressed, using the Ignatian Principle & Foundation and the Examen, showing the way a directee can maintain reality in prayer.
This course surveys various ways of approaching prayer from the mystical tradition of the church and
how to teach those being directed to pray in truth and love, with the goal of intimacy with God. [First
Week, 2 hours each evening, Monday -Friday]
This course will present discernment as both a way of living the Christian life and of reflection on that
life. It will be based on Ignatius of Loyola’s Rules of Discernment and the Examen; and will discuss the
use of both in spiritual direction. [Second Week, 2 hours each evening, Monday – Friday]
This is a foundational course presenting principles and goals of good spiritual direction. Presentations
and practice sessions will focus on the methods and skills involved in the art of Spiritual Direction.
Students will learn the basics of conducting interviews, interpersonal dynamics, and the use of Scripture in direction. Practice interviews and role playing are included. [Both Weeks, two hours each
morning, Monday – Friday]
This introductory course provides a theological basis for the universal call to holiness and intimacy
with the Holy Trinity. It surveys various methods and approaches to discipleship and the rich tradition
of spiritual direction in the Church. [First Week, Sunday night, 2 hours; Monday morning, 2 hours]
Prayer exercises and group sharing based on eight Scriptural themes such as trust in God, discipleship, and responding to God’s love. The student prays 2-3 hours daily and is encouraged to use a journal.
[Both Weeks]
Session #2: On Healing
Monday July 5 - Saturday July 17
Session #2 Details
Monday, July 5 before 4 p.m.
After lunch on Saturday, July 17 (around 1:30)
Each day starts around 8:30 a.m. and ends around 8/9 p.m.
Total Cost: $1,820
Commuter Cost: $1,200
Deposit $300
Scholarships are available upon request. We recommend that you first ask your Church parish to financially support you in your calling to become a spiritual director.
About Healing
Spiritual Direction will be seen as a healing process in itself, as the relationship between the director
and directee unfolds under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The differences between psychology,
counseling and spiritual direction will be reviewed as well as how to recognize possible mental illness
and when to refer to professionals.
The course provides information on various healing ministries in the Church today (such as Theophostic, Unbound). It explores the importance of past wounds as they affect us as spiritual directors as
well as our directees. [First Week, 2 hours each evening, Monday - Friday]
This course will present discernment as both a way of living the Christian life and of reflection on that
life. It will be based on Ignatius of Loyola’s Rules of Discernment and the Examen; and will discuss the
use of both in spiritual direction. [Second Week, 2 hours each evening, Monday – Friday]
This course explores spiritual warfare and deliverance using classics in the spiritual life, contemporary insights and practice and scriptural passages to study how Jesus addressed evil, and how to
apply these tools in spiritual direction. [Second Week, 2 hours each evening, Monday - Friday]
Prayer exercises and group sharing based on healing themes in the Bible. The student prays 2-3
hours daily, and is encouraged to use a journal. [Both Weeks]
This course will include practical exercises and teaching on reflective responses and labeling feelings. Self-disclosure, genuineness and compassioning are studied as important elements in the Spiritual Direction process and presented through lectures and role playing. [Both Weeks, two hours each
morning, Monday - Friday]
Session #3: On Growth
Sunday July 9 - Saturday July 22
Session #3 Details
Sunday, July 9, before 4 p.m.
After lunch on Saturday, July 22 (around 1:30)
Each day starts around 8:30 a.m. and ends around 8/9 p.m.
Total Cost: $1,820
Commuter Cost: $1,200
Scholarships are available upon request. We recommend that you first ask your Church parish to financially support you in your calling to become a spiritual director.
About Growth
We provide the students with teaching on discovering our root sin, detachment and its importance
for the spiritual life, and teaching on practicing the presence of God. Getting supervision as a practicing Director, the ethics of spiritual direction and the importance of maintaining one’s own relationship
to a spiritual director is stressed. [First Sunday Evening 6-8PM]
This introductory course provides an explanation of why the present moment is God’s gift to every
believer as their moment of grace, and how the past and the promises of God shape each person’s
journey to the Father. [First Week, Sunday night, 2 hours]
The course is about the Personhood of Jesus as God and as Man. Who is Jesus and what has He
done for me and for the world? Conformity of the believer to the Person of Christ as the essential
paradigm of “doing the will of the Father” as His sons and daughters. [First Week, 2 hours each evening, Monday - Friday]
The course shows how the supernatural gifts of Faith, Hope and Love comprise the Christian's whole
character and how a person can grow in holiness and the disciplined love of God and neighbor. [Second Week, 2 hours each evening, Monday - Wednesday]
The course uses the lists of the Holy Spirit’s gifts in the Pauline Letters and explains how a spiritual
director employs the spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit in spiritual direction, as well as how to encourage
the openness and use of these gifts in the daily life of the directee. [Second Week, 2 hours each evening, Thursday – Friday]
Prayer exercises and group sharing based on eight Scriptural themes such as trust in God, discipleship, responding to God’s love. The student prays 2-3 hours daily, and is encouraged to use a journal.
[Both Weeks]
Topics of consolation and desolation, dryness, contemplative listening, and blocks and obstacles to
growth in prayer will be presented through lectures and role playing. Included will be teaching on
issues that frequently arise in spiritual direction. [Both Weeks, two hours each morning, Monday
Grand Coteau, Louisiana 70541