A silent retreat.
Each retreatant is guided through the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola by a spiritual director.
A silent retreat.
Each retreatant is guided through the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola by a spiritual director.
A silent retreat.
A silent retreat. Each day includes 3-4 talks, usually on prayer and the spiritual life.
A silent retreat.
A silent retreat. Each day includes 3-4 talks, usually on prayer and the spiritual life.
For married couples seeking to rediscover Christ in their marriage. Each retreat is typically guided by a mentor couple and a priest.
For married couples seeking to rediscover Christ in their marriage. Each retreat is typically guided by a mentor couple and a priest.
Special retreats that center around themes as diverse as sacred music, 12-step recovery, healing and much more.
Special retreats that center around themes as diverse as sacred music, 12-step recovery, healing and much more.
Grand Coteau, Louisiana 70541